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Experienced Defense Attorneys in Natick, MA

Protecting MA Citizens’ Rights for Over 33 Years

At the Law Office of David P. Linsky, our experienced defense attorneys are committed to serving the legal needs of residents and businesses in Natick, MA, and the surrounding communities. For over three decades, we have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience providing clients with reliable legal representation throughout Massachusetts. With legal expertise spanning a range of practice areas, including criminal defense, motor vehicle law, family law, and juvenile an school law, we are prepared to handle your unique legal matters, no matter the complexity. If you or a loved one need legal representation, connect with our law firm today. You will have the advantage of being represented by one of Massachusetts’ best and most experienced attorneys who will provide personalized and compassionate service.

lady justice and gavel

Staunch Advocates Representing All Your Legal Needs

We know the legal system can be intimidating, but we’re here to put your mind at ease. Whether you’re charged with a crime, responsible for a traffic violation, or in a dispute with your spouse regarding divorce and child custody, our legal services are always available around the clock to ensure your needs are met.

We take pride in helping clients resolve civil matters and criminal investigations with aggressive, innovative, and highly personalized legal strategies aimed at preserving their rights while pursuing a resolution in their favor. You deserve thoughtful legal support in challenging times. We’re here to help.

David P. Linsky headshot

Meet David P. Linsky

David P. Linsky is an accomplished attorney with more than three decades of experience practicing law. For 14 years, he served as an assistant district attorney for Middlesex County for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, later moving to a private practice to focus on practices areas such as criminal and civil litigation, domestic relations, and real estate zoning and permitting. Since 1999, David has served as the State Representative for the 5th Middlesex District in the Commonwealth, as well as Chairman of the House Post Audit & Oversight Committee and House Chairman of the Joint Committee on Federal Stimulus Oversight.

In his private practice, David excels at providing quality legal representation to Middlesex County residents and businesses for criminal and civil court cases involving criminal defense, juvenile law, civil litigation, motor vehicle law, and family law.

Get in Touch

21 Eliot St
Natick MA, 01760

